Friday, March 9, 2012

Log Shipping Copy Errors

We've been experiencing above average log shipping
log "copy" errors. This is the job in which the server
which the log is shipped to has a job on it that copies
the newest log files from the host server. For no apparent
reason, this job fails , but the next time it's run, it
works. Some times it fails 10 times in a row then catches
up all at once. Other times it's less frequent. Anyone
know what might cause this . Disk space and netowkr access
isn't an issue, we've checked that.
Do you have a delay between the source server backing up
the database and the log shipping picking it up? It may be
that the target database is trying to copy the source
backup before it is finished. When you have problems is it
at a busy time, when for instance the log may be larger
than normal?
John|||Whats the error message?
>--Original Message--
>We've been experiencing above average log shipping
>log "copy" errors. This is the job in which the server
>which the log is shipped to has a job on it that copies
>the newest log files from the host server. For no
>reason, this job fails , but the next time it's run, it
>works. Some times it fails 10 times in a row then catches
>up all at once. Other times it's less frequent. Anyone
>know what might cause this . Disk space and netowkr
>isn't an issue, we've checked that.

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