I've got several secondary servers setup against my production server, and
working fine. However, one is across a t-1, and the file copying can really
effect latency across this link.
I've been searching far an wide for a "replicator" that has a client server
component, that can do streaming compression. TRNs compress down incrediably
well. I could use a util to zip them to a unc, and then unzip on the other
side, but this seems dumb. Why oh why doesn't SMB support compression...we
have gone backwards since the z-modem days .
I'm trying to get rsync to work using cygwin, but of course it is a pain in
the butt. Does anyone know of affoardable software that does this seamly
simple task. I'm about to program my own.
Compression has been considered on the packet level, but the reason that it
is not implemented is that in general the data travelling across the wire is
binary and the compression ratio and cost involved in compressing binary
data outweighs the savings in doing so. Compressing purely textual data does
provide much better compression.
Your best bet is to zip then before sending, and then unzip them on the
other end.
"et" <et@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> I've got several secondary servers setup against my production server, and
> working fine. However, one is across a t-1, and the file copying can
> effect latency across this link.
> I've been searching far an wide for a "replicator" that has a client
> component, that can do streaming compression. TRNs compress down
> well. I could use a util to zip them to a unc, and then unzip on the other
> side, but this seems dumb. Why oh why doesn't SMB support compression...we
> have gone backwards since the z-modem days .
> I'm trying to get rsync to work using cygwin, but of course it is a pain
> the butt. Does anyone know of affoardable software that does this seamly
> simple task. I'm about to program my own.
|||As I recall Windows 2003 was supposed to offer SMB copying of NTFS compressed
files from server to server without uncompressing in the middle.
But as I've never seen that feature advertised, I'm guessing it never made the
cut before release.
> I've been searching far an wide for a "replicator" that has a client server
> component, that can do streaming compression. TRNs compress down incrediably
> well. I could use a util to zip them to a unc, and then unzip on the other
> side, but this seems dumb. Why oh why doesn't SMB support compression...we
> have gone backwards since the z-modem days .
> I'm trying to get rsync to work using cygwin, but of course it is a pain in
> the butt. Does anyone know of affoardable software that does this seamly
> simple task. I'm about to program my own.
Neil Pike. Protech Computing Ltd
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