Is it possible to set up log shipping via scripts instead
of GUI? We have over 50 databases being log shipped, and
occasional (almost random) failures for various reasons
cause us to have to "reset" (redo) the log shipping.
Doing this via the GUI is a time-consuming process. I
found 5/23/03 webcast with PPT slide saying this is "not
supported". Does this mean not POSSIBLE? We are using
SQL server 2000 on Windows 2000 boxes, two separate
servers with primary and secondary (log shipped-to)
Thanks in advance!
Hi Tom
It certainly is possible. All that log shipping does under the covers is
basically back up the database log, ftp the file to the target server then
restore it with sandby. That can easily be achieved in scripts - just BACKUP
LOG [dbname] to disk='c:\backupname.lbak', then perform an ftp using
xp_cmdshell, then run the restore command on the target server.. Many people
do this & if you search the newsgroup archive on google, you'll see lots of
sample scripts etc.
Greg Linwood
SQL Server MVP
"Tom Horner" <> wrote in message
> Is it possible to set up log shipping via scripts instead
> of GUI? We have over 50 databases being log shipped, and
> occasional (almost random) failures for various reasons
> cause us to have to "reset" (redo) the log shipping.
> Doing this via the GUI is a time-consuming process. I
> found 5/23/03 webcast with PPT slide saying this is "not
> supported". Does this mean not POSSIBLE? We are using
> SQL server 2000 on Windows 2000 boxes, two separate
> servers with primary and secondary (log shipped-to)
> databases.
> Thanks in advance!
|||Some good information:
314515 INF: Frequently Asked Questions - SQL Server 2000 - Log Shipping=20
323135 INF: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - How to Set Up Log Shipping =
(White Paper)=20
325220 Support WebCast: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Log Shipping=20
821786 Support WebCast: Microsoft SQL Server 2000: Using Log Shipping=20
321247 HOW TO: Configure Security for Log Shipping=20
329133 INF: Troubleshooting SQL Server 2000 Log Shipping "Out of Sync" =
"Tom Horner" <> wrote in message =
> Is it possible to set up log shipping via scripts instead=20
> of GUI? We have over 50 databases being log shipped, and=20
> occasional (almost random) failures for various reasons=20
> cause us to have to "reset" (redo) the log shipping. =20
> Doing this via the GUI is a time-consuming process. I=20
> found 5/23/03 webcast with PPT slide saying this is "not=20
> supported". Does this mean not POSSIBLE? We are using=20
> SQL server 2000 on Windows 2000 boxes, two separate=20
> servers with primary and secondary (log shipped-to)=20
> databases.
> Thanks in advance!
this is exactly what we are doing here.
Here is an example script to apply logs to the standby.
Greg Jackson
PDX, Oregon
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012
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