Friday, March 30, 2012

Log Shipping with two production servers

I have two SQL Server databases, each with their own server. Is it suitable
to implement log shipping from each server to the other i.e. rather than
having the standard set up with a production server and a standby server, I
will set it up with two production servers 'swapping' logs...?Hi,
Instead of "swapping logs" you might want to implement merge
replication, however you don't give a case for why you want to
implement log shipping. Is it for a hot standby (you could setup
clustering) or do you plan to utilise one server for reporting
Also the official line from MS is that to implement log shipping both
SQL Server Editions should be Enterprise Version, however if you can
get hold of the SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit there is a Simple Log
Shipper Tool (basically two stored procs) on there. However with the
Enterprise methond it does monitor the log shipping for you. The only
disclaimer is that I could get SLS to work in a dev environment but not
in our production setup, so we went with snapshot replication.
Good Luck
You can't use log shipping for Scale Out as the destination DB can not be
used for write activities.
If you need to impliment something like scale out, look at replication, but
replication could use more resources than what you might gain by off loading
a server.
Mike Epprecht, Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Zurich, Switzerland
MVP Program:
"Mike" wrote:
> I have two SQL Server databases, each with their own server. Is it suitable
> to implement log shipping from each server to the other i.e. rather than
> having the standard set up with a production server and a standby server, I
> will set it up with two production servers 'swapping' logs...?

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