Monday, March 26, 2012

Log Shipping restore failing

I have a log shipping configuration set up that has been working for several weeks now. Last night starting at about 12:30 am the restore job has started failing periodically. It has gotten worse as the day has gone on, and the job history shows the same
error message each time it fails.
Executed as user: PROMAXONLINE\svcsql. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.
Can anyone tell me what this means? I am aware of the problem of nameing a directory with a -S in the name, and this is not the case here.
Right-click on the maintenance plan name (not the SQL Agent Job) and select
Maintenance Plan History... for a more detailed error message.
Geoff N. Hiten
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Senior Database Administrator
I support the Professional Association for SQL Server
"Ken Krause" <> wrote in message
> I have a log shipping configuration set up that has been working for
several weeks now. Last night starting at about 12:30 am the restore job has
started failing periodically. It has gotten worse as the day has gone on,
and the job history shows the same error message each time it fails.
> Executed as user: PROMAXONLINE\svcsql. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE
42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.
> Can anyone tell me what this means? I am aware of the problem of nameing
a directory with a -S in the name, and this is not the case here.
> TIA,
> Ken
|||I have since found out that running indexing operations on the database while the log shipping file is being created can cause this problem, and that's exactly what happened. My next question is how do I get past a corrupted transaction log file without s
crewing up the whole chain of transaction logs? The rest are stacking up behind it every 15 minutes because this one log file won't restore.
|||Since the log sequence is broken, you will likely have to re-initialize log
shipping with a full backup-restore.
Geoff N. Hiten
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Senior Database Administrator
I support the Professional Association for SQL Server
"Ken Krause" <> wrote in message
> I have since found out that running indexing operations on the database
while the log shipping file is being created can cause this problem, and
that's exactly what happened. My next question is how do I get past a
corrupted transaction log file without screwing up the whole chain of
transaction logs? The rest are stacking up behind it every 15 minutes
because this one log file won't restore.
> Thanks,
> Ken

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